天将降大任于斯人也,必先苦其心志,劳其筋骨 ,饿其体肤,空乏其身,行拂乱其所为。




1. Thus, that’s why many of the students studying overseas are unable to focus on their studies and are distracted.
2. They eventually最终 end up in hedonism快乐主义.
3. It cannot be denied that the students can really avoid the negative culture if they study locally.

Paragraph 4
1. On top of that, if the students study overseas they may have culture shock and communication barrier沟通障碍.
2. This is due to the reason that while studying overseas the students will meet different people with different countries and thus the people there will have their own culture.
3. Another strong example would be our local students may face communication barrier at the beginning as the native 当地人 there may have their strong accent重口音.
4. Consequently, our local students will need to take some time to adapt to this completely new environment
5. It is definitely true that if the students decide to study overseas they need to have mentally prepared 心理准备 for their changes in a whole new environment as there is a saying that when in Rome, do as Romans do入乡随俗.

Paragraph 5
1. Another aspect which need serious consideration would be our local students may face homesickness思乡while studying overseas.
2. Due to the reason that most of our local students generally stay in home since they are young and this would be their first time to leave home but also a far distance.
3. This is because when the students nowadays face problems they will normally go home to seek for help from their family members while if they are studying overseas everything they have to rely on 依赖 themselves.
4. As a result, our local students will feel homesick and lonesome孤独 as they feel no one being with them.
5. It goes without saying that俗语说homesickness would be another common problem for those who study overseas may face.

Paragraph 6
1. To sum it up, above all the reasons why Malaysian students choose to further theirs studies locally than going overseas.
2. Everything has its pros and cons好与坏but in this economic slump经济衰退 right now, I think studying locally is the way to go as studying overseas really entails需要 a lot of money.
3. Nelson Mandela said once“ Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.”教育是最强的武器让我们改变世界.

