天将降大任于斯人也,必先苦其心志,劳其筋骨 ,饿其体肤,空乏其身,行拂乱其所为。




8. The chirping of birds had formed a melodious symphony交响曲.
9. My granny took out a costume from her bag and passed it to me.
10. The costume was sewed by her. I was moved to tears感动流泪 as I saw it.
11. “Break a leg加油, my dear Janna. Granny will support you in front of the television.” Granny uttered说 with her eyes brimming with tears 眼泪盈眶.
12. That day, I was reluctant to leave不舍得离开 as it was the first day I left my granny.

Paragraph 4:
1. On the day of the competition, I was well-prepared.
2. I hoped I could bring the medal back from my granny.
3. Before the competition, all the participants were given 20 minutes to practice and warm up.
4. Riven, a gymnast who always treated me unfriendly glared at me with her blazing eyes怒视的眼睛 and said, “Get away from me, loser!”
5. However, I told myself not to bother her 不管她.
6. After the warming up exercise, I went to the backstage后台 to change my costume.
7. What happened in the next moment had made me dumbstruck惊呆 and panicked.
8. I found my costume had been cut into pieces.
9. At the moment, I stared myself in front of the mirror. I calmed myself down.
10. An idea came across my mind suddenly.
11. I decided to play in my plain shirt and let my hair hung down.

Paragraph 5:
1. As my turn, I held my composure保持镇定 and walked up the stage.
2. Being collected淡定, I took a deep breath and smiled at the judges.
3. As the music was played, I indulged myself in the joys of music沉浸在自己的音乐里.
4. Stretching, spinning and waving the ribbon in my hand.
5. My long silky locks柔顺的长发 was flowing in the air.
6. I enjoyed every single movement on the stage.
7. I knew that I had no beautiful costume to wear.
8. What I told myself was to tug the judges’ hearth with my graceful movement.
9. As I finished my dance, I took a bow at the audience观众.
10. The hall was in a hushed silence一片寂静for a few seconds.
11. Soon, the audience rose in a standing ovation起立鼓掌
12. The judges nodded their heads, exchanging their sights with one another对望.
13. At that moment, I knew that I had did it. No matter what the result was, I had already tried my utmost极限.

